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Credits och tack

WordPress är en community av skickliga och generösa människor som osjälviskt delar med sig av sina kunskaper och erfarenheter i form av tips, plug-in’s och lösningar på problem de själva stött på.

Allt detta gör att utvecklandet av en site som tidsverkstaden.se blir en spännande resa över världen där en bit hämtas i asien och en annan i sydamerika, medan en tredje får snickras efter bästa förmåga på hemmaplan.

Följande personer/siter/bloggare har på olika sätt lämnat värdefulla bidrag till uppbyggandet av tidsverkstaden.se:
BOX information – Danaxel Lindberg har designat grundlayouten för tidsverkstaden.se.
Xu Yiyang – Är designer av wordpress-temat "Unamed" som tidsverkstaden.se utvecklats från.

Bilder och foton
Vi har utöver egna och köpta bilder även använt blider från:
Individuell Människohjälp

Plugins på sajten
Utan nedan listade plugins hade inte denna sajt varit möjlig.

Acunetix WP Security 4.0.5  Acunetix WP Security 4.0.5
» Acunetix (url)
The Acunetix WP Security plugin is the ultimate must-have tool when it comes to WordPress security. The plugin is free and monitors your website for security weaknesses that hackers might exploit and tells you how to easily fix them.

Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.3  Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.3
» Automattic - Anti-spam Team (url)
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. Akismet Anti-spam keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key.

All in One SEO 4.7.2  All in One SEO 4.7.2
» All in One SEO Team (url)
SEO for WordPress. Features like XML Sitemaps, SEO for custom post types, SEO for blogs, business sites, ecommerce sites, and much more. More than 100 million downloads since 2007.

Broken Link Checker 2.4.1  Broken Link Checker 2.4.1
» WPMU DEV (url)
Checks your blog for broken links and notifies you on the dashboard if any are found.

Classic Editor 1.6.5  Classic Editor 1.6.5
» WordPress Contributors (url)
Enables the WordPress classic editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports the older plugins that extend this screen.

CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent 3.2.6  CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent 3.2.6
» CookieYes (url)
A simple way to show your website complies with the EU Cookie Law / GDPR.

Database Backup for WordPress 2.5.2  Database Backup for WordPress 2.5.2
» Delicious Brains (url)
On-demand backup of your WordPress database. Navigate to Tools → Backup to get started.

Deactivate User Accounts 1.0  Deactivate User Accounts 1.0
» Kevin Ardy (url)
Gives you the ability to temporarily disable user accounts without having to delete them.

Dismiss Gutenberg Nag 1.0.5  Dismiss Gutenberg Nag 1.0.5
» Luciano Croce (url)
Dismiss ”try Gutenberg” nag, dashboard widget, and demo menu, when it is activated, or if it is in mu-plugins directory.

Exploit Scanner 1.5.2  Exploit Scanner 1.5.2
» Automattic (url)
Scans your WordPress site for possible exploits.

FD Feedburner Plugin 1.48  FD Feedburner Plugin 1.48
» John Watson (url)
Redirects all feeds to a Feedburner feed

Get Custom Field Values 4.1  Get Custom Field Values 4.1
» Scott Reilly (url)
Use widgets, shortcodes, and/or template tags to easily retrieve and display custom field values for posts or pages.

LiteSpeed Cache 6.5.1  LiteSpeed Cache 6.5.1
» LiteSpeed Technologies (url)
High-performance page caching and site optimization from LiteSpeed

ManageWP - Worker 4.9.20  ManageWP - Worker 4.9.20
» GoDaddy (url)
We help you efficiently manage all your WordPress websites. Updates, backups, 1-click login, migrations, security and more, on one dashboard. This service comes in two versions: standalone ManageWP service that focuses on website management, and GoDaddy Pro that includes additional tools for hosting, client management, lead generation, and more.

No Excerpt-P 1.0  No Excerpt-P 1.0
» Amit Gupta (url)
Removes the paragraph tags from the output returned by the_excerpt() function

Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu 3.7.1  Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu 3.7.1
» Ozh (url)
All admin links available in a neat horizontal drop down menu. Saves lots of screen real estate! For WordPress 4.0+

P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) 1.5.4  P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) 1.5.4
» GoDaddy.com (url)
See which plugins are slowing down your site. Create a profile of your WordPress site’s plugins’ performance by measuring their impact on your site’s load time.

Page Category Organiser 2.1.3  Page Category Organiser 2.1.3
» Andy Staines (url)
Organise Pages with categories etc.

PageNav 0.0.1  PageNav 0.0.1
» Adi Sieker (url)
Header Navigation.

PageNav_olov  PageNav_olov
» Adi Sieker and Olov A (url)
Header Navigation modified by Olov A for Tidsverkstaden.se.

Plugin Vulnerabilities 2.0.69  Plugin Vulnerabilities 2.0.69
» White Fir Design (url)
Alerts you when exploited vulnerabilities are in your installed plugins and provides access to our more comprehensive Plugin Vulnerabilities service.

reCaptcha by BestWebSoft 1.78  reCaptcha by BestWebSoft 1.78
» BestWebSoft (url)
Protect WordPress website forms from spam entries with Google Captcha (reCaptcha).

Redirection 5.5.0  Redirection 5.5.0
» John Godley (url)
Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors

Robots Meta 3.4  Robots Meta 3.4
» Joost de Valk (url)
This plugin is no longer maintained and replaced by Yoast SEO.

WP-EMail 2.69.1  WP-EMail 2.69.1
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
Allows people to recommand/send your WordPress blog’s post/page to a friend.

WP-PluginsUsed 1.50.2  WP-PluginsUsed 1.50.2
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
Display WordPress plugins that you currently have (both active and inactive) onto a post/page.

WP Activity Log 5.2.1  WP Activity Log 5.2.1
» Melapress (url)
Identify WordPress security issues before they become a problem. Keep track of everything happening on your WordPress, including users activity. Similar to Linux Syslog, WP Activity Log generates an activity log with a record of everything that happens on your WordPress websites.

XML Sitemap Generator for Google 4.1.21  XML Sitemap Generator for Google 4.1.21
» Auctollo (url)
This plugin improves SEO using sitemaps for best indexation by search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others.

Föreningen Tidsverkstaden   Södra Larmgatan 6   •   411 16 Göteborg   •   e-post: info@tidsverkstaden.se
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